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【学术讲座】大师讲坛-美国工程院院士程正迪:Molecular Nanoparticles Are Unique Elements for Macromolecular Science

2013-10-24 科研办 点击:[]






程正迪教授现为美国最大也是最为重要的高分子研究机构之一Akron大学高分子科学与工程学院院长,为该校高分子科学系Robert C. Musson Trustees教授,美国科学发展协会(AAASFellow, 美国物理学会Fellow,中国化学会荣誉会士,美国化学学会高分子材料科学与工程分会会士,并于2008年当选美国工程院院士。程正迪院士现任国际重要高分子科学刊物Polymer资深主编,中国英文版杂志Chinese Journal of Polymer Science副主编,以及担任过其他十种国际高分子杂志编委会或顾问委员会成员。程正迪院士已发表学术论文370余篇,在高分子凝聚态物理领域取得了巨大成就,先后获美国白宫及国家科学基金授予的总统青年科学家奖(1991),美国物理学会John H. Dillon奖章(1995),北美热分析学会Mettler奖(1999),国际热分析及量热学联合会TA-Instrument奖(2004),美国化学会高分子材料科学与工程分会合作科研奖(2005),美国物理学会高分子物理奖(2013)。



Constructing hieratical structures across different length scales is central to the design of novel materials with controlled and predicted macroscopic properties. We have introduced a new class of self-assembling hybrid materials, which are built upon shape- and volume-persistent molecular nanoparticles (MNPs) and other structural motifs such as polymers, dendramers, and can be viewed as a size-amplified version of the corresponding small-molecule counterparts: “nano-atoms”. Giant molecules are constructed by these “nano-atoms”. Among the different categories of giant molecules, “giant surfactants” with precise molecular structures have been designed and synthesized via “clicking” compact and polar MNPs with polymer tails of various composition and topological architecture at specific sites. Capturing the structural features of small-molecule surfactants but possessing much larger sizes, giant surfactants bridge the gap between small-molecule surfactants and block copolymers, and demonstrate a duality of both materials in terms of their self-assembly behaviors. Another category of giant molecules is shape amphiphiles and polyhedral. The controlled structural variations of these giant molecules through precision synthesis

reveal that their self-assemblies are remarkably sensitive to primary chemical structures, leading to highly diverse, thermodynamically stable nanostructures. These structures possess feature sizes around 10 nm or smaller in the bulk, thin film, and solution states. The construction of those nano-structures is relying on and dictated by the collective physical interactions and geometric constraints. The results suggest that this class of hybrid materials provides a versatile platform that is not only scientifically intriguing, but also technologically important.





上一条:【学术讲座】多功能纳米复合材料的制备及其催化性能研究 下一条:【学术讲座】Synthesis of Functionalized Polyesters, Including PLA and PLGA
