报告人:Prof. Robert B. Grubbs
Department of Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY
Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton NY
The control over molecular structure enabled by modern synthetic techniques has led to a new level of control over the assembly of molecules and macromolecules in functional materials. We have designed and synthesized several classes of block and star-block copolymers with stimulus-responsive components and metal-binding sites. These polymers form assemblies with properties that are dependent upon specific conditions. For example, we have investigated a range of synthetic systems that are designed to assemble in water into smaller micellar aggregates at low temperatures and larger vesicles at higher temperatures. A number of factors, including block size and extent of interblock interactions, appear to be important in controlling transformation rate. The design of these and other systems, including metal-functionalized polymers and conjugated polymers for photovoltaic applications, and our efforts to better understand the behavior of the resulting materials will be discussed.