报告时间:2023-11-16 10:00-11:00
报告人:Guy Bertrand
Guy Bertrand教授于法国保罗·萨巴蒂尔大学获得博士学位后,作为课题组负责人先后在图卢兹大学、法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS)配位化学实验室工作。1998-2005年,保罗·萨巴蒂尔大学异质化学基础和应用实验室主任。2001-2012年,在加州大学河边分校(UCR)创建UCR/CNRS联合研究化学实验室,主任。2012年7月起,加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UCSD)杰出教授,并出任UCSD/CNRS联合研究化学实验室主任。主要研究兴趣在于驯化活泼分子如卡宾、氮宾和双自由基,并将这些化合物转化能为合成化学家所用的有用工具。Bertrand教授为法国技术学院院士(2000), Academia Europaea院士(2002), European Academy of Sciences院士(2003),法国科学院院士(2004), 德国科学院院士(2023)。其他荣誉还包括ACS无机化学奖(2014), 英国皇家化学会Geoffrey Wilkinson爵士奖(2016), le Grand Prix de la Maison de la Chimie(2020)。
Carbenes as Powerful Transition-Metal Surrogates
Guy Bertrand
University of California, San Diego. E-mail: [email protected]
Since the discovery at the beginning of the XXth century of a stable radical, many species that do not obey the octet rule have been isolated. The availability of these stable versions has led to a variety of applications. This statement is well supported by the example of stable carbenes, with only six-valence electrons, which have become among the most powerful tools in chemistry.
Our recent results dealing with the development of catalytic processes promoted by carbenes, which are genuine organic compounds, will be discussed.1-4 They could address the major drawbacks of current transition metal catalysis technology that are the excessive cost of metal complexes (metal + ligands) and in many cases the toxicity of the metal.
To push the boundaries further, we wish to undress carbon atoms even more. As an illustration we will discuss our results dealing with a dicoordinate carbodication.5,6
1 J. L. Peltier, E. Tomas-Mendivil, D. R. Tolentino, M. M. Hansmann, R. Jazzar, G. Bertrand, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 18336-18340.
2 W. Liu, A. Vianna, Z. Zhang, S. Huang, L. Huang, M. Melaimi, G. Bertrand, X. Yan. Chem. Catalysis 2021, 1, 196-206.
3 Z. Zhang, S. Huang, C.-Y. Li, L.-L. Zhao, W. Liu, M. Melaimi, G. Bertrand, X. Yan. Chem Catalysis 2022, 2, 3517-3527.
4 C. Liu, Z. Zhang, L.-L. Zhao, G. Bertrand, X. Yan. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, e202303478.
5 Y. K. Loh, M. Melaimi, D. Munz, G. Bertrand. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 2064-2069.
6 Y. K. Loh, M. Melaimi, M. Gembicky, D. Munz, G. Bertrand. Nature 2023, 623, 66-70.