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“材化讲坛”第46讲——Multiscale Manufacturing Technologies for Tough and Strong Hierarchical Soft Materials

2023-12-08  点击:[]



报告人:翟玮 助理教授

报告人简介现任新加坡国立大学,机械工程系,助理教授,从事多孔材料,无机非金属材料,软材料,复合材料的制备和研究。博士毕业于剑桥大学工程系/唐宁学院,本科毕业于北京科技大学材料系,2015至2019年在新加坡制造技术研究院担任研究员。现任Materials today communications 编辑,Materials & Design 编辑助理。在Science Advances, Advanced Materials, Materials Today, Advanced Functional Materials, Acta Materialia, ACS Nano, Nano Letters, Small, Materials Horizons 等杂志发表论文80余篇。

报告摘要:Conductive soft polymer gels have emerged as versatile materials for flexible electronics and soft robotics, owning to their great stretchability and sensing capability. However, most soft materials still encounter difficulties in meeting the demanding requirements of real-life applications due to the long-standing challenge of reproducing the excellent mechanical properties and multifunctionalities observed in natural soft tissues. Mammalian skin, for example, exhibits excellent tearing resistance and flexibility due to an intricate hierarchical structure of collagen fibers and fibrils. The hierarchical organization of tendons endows them with high strength and flexibility, allowing them to endure mechanical stress and execute contractions and relaxations. Inspired by the remarkable properties of bio-soft tissues, we have developed various multiscale manufacturing technologies to produce strong and tough conductive soft materials with hierarchical structures. This involves a freeze-casting solution substitution strategy, a facile combining strategy of self-assembly and stretch training, and a self-assembly-induced bridge cross-linking strategy. The strength of our materials has increased from 6.5 MPa, 20.78 MPa, and 54.8 MPa, while the toughness has also increased from 58.9 MJ/m3, 153.97 MJ/m3, to 260 MJ/m3, owning to multiple strengthening and toughening mechanisms at different scales. We have demonstrated the potential applications of our materials for monitoring sport behaviours in soccer training, non-contact speaking detection, and controlling artificial arms for grabbing objects, etc.


上一条:“材化讲坛”第47讲——Publishing with Wiley in-house chemistry journals 下一条:“材化讲坛”第45讲——石墨烯基电化学生医传感器:表界面工程与性能优化
