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2017年12月14日 13:12  点击:[]

职称 副教授 部门 材料系





联系方式:15958276835[email protected]


1. 高性能纤维/高分子复合材料加工

2. 新能源材料研究:燃料电池、生物电池等;

3. 材料表面修饰:超高分子量聚乙烯纤维、碳纤维、碳纳米管、石墨烯、MXene等。


李微微,副教授,硕士生导师; 2011年上海交通大学材料学博士,2011年引进至宁波大学,2014-2015年美国Drexel University访问学者,宁波市外地引进重点高层次人才。长期从事高性能复合材料和新能源材料研究。主持承担包括国家自然科学基金、浙江省自然科学基金、浙江省教育厅科技计划、宁波市重点技术研发项目、宁波市自然科学基金等项目20余项;已发表SCI论文近40篇,其中包括Composites Science and TechnologyEuropean Polymer JournalACS Applied Polymer MaterialsJournal of Alloys and CompoundsWearApplied Surface ScienceMaterials Chemistry and Physics等国际重要期刊;申请或授权发明专利10余件。指导本科生申请国家专利4项,全部授权;指导本科生获校级科研课题12项、浙江省“新苗人才计划”1项。







1. 百千瓦级SOFC热电联供系统关键技术研究与应用,宁波市重点技术研发项目,起止年限:2023年至2026年,负责;

2. 树形碳纤维增强聚氨酯基复合材料的强韧化机理研究,宁波市自然科学基金,起止年限:2022年至2025年,负责;

3. 碳纤维仿生形态调控及其树脂基复合材料的强韧化机理研究,浙江省自然科学基金一般项目,起止年限:2020年至2022年,负责;

4. 新型的“一步法”碳纤维表面金属化方法及其机理研究,宁波市自然科学基金,起止年限:2019年至2021年,负责;

5. “木人桩”结构短碳纤维复合增强体制备研究,宁波市自然科学基金,起止年限:2016年至2018年,负责;

6. 类竹节状超高分子量聚乙烯纤维复合增强体制备及其复合材料强化机制研究,国家自然科学基金,起止年限:2013年至2015年,负责。


1. Yilong Zhou, Weiwei Li*, Huixin Liu, Kaiyuan Pei, Shiting Li. Synergistic Optimization of Toughness and EMI Shielding Properties in Rigid Polyurethane Composites by Designing Ring Structures on the Surface of Carbon Fibers. Polymers for Advanced Technologies. 2022, 33: 2289-2299.

2. Huixin Liu, Weiwei Li*, Yilong Zhou, Kaiyuan Pei. Effects of Donut-Shaped ZnO Decorated UHMWPE Fibers on the Mechanical Properties of Rigid Polyurethane-Based Composites. ACS Applied Polymer Materials. 2022, 4 (8): 5422-5430.

3. Jie Yang, Weiwei Li*, Yilong Zhou, Huixin Liu, Kaiyuan Pei. Spirally Ag-coated short carbon fiber as a reinforcing filler for rigid polyurethane. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2022, 291: 126747.

4. Xiaojing Liu, Weiwei Li*, Jie Yang, Yilong Zhou, Huixin Liu. The effects of string-like copper plated short carbon fibers reinforced rigid polyurethane composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2022, 139: 51968.

5. Yilong Zhou, Weiwei Li*, Huixin Liu, Kaiyuan Pei. Reinforcement of nest-like Zn layers on the surface of carbon fibers for rigid polyurethane composites. Polymers for Advanced Technologies. 2022, 33: 2289-2299.

6. Weiwei Li*, Yilong Zhou, Huixin Liu, Jie Yang, Kaiyuan Pei. Improved strength, toughness and electrical properties of rigid polyurethane composites reinforced with Ni‑coated carbon fibers. Polymer Bulletin. 2022, 79: 5235-5245.

7. Xiaojing Liu, Weiwei Li*, Ming Feng, Jie Yang. Strength and toughness of carbon fibers reinforced rigid polyurethane composites by adsorbing tannic acid and refining Ni grains on carbon fibers surface. Polymers for Advanced Technologies. 2021, 32: 326-334.

8. Momo Huang, Weiwei Li*, Xiaojing Liu, Ming Feng, Jie Yang. Study on structure and performance of surface-metallized carbon fibers reinforced rigid polyurethane composites. Polymers for Advanced Technologies. 2020, 31: 1805-1813.

9. Ming Feng, Weiwei Li*, Xiaojing Liu, Momo Huang, Jie Yang. Copper-polydopamine composite coating decorating UHMWPE fibers for enhancing the strength and toughness of rigid polyurethane composites. Polymer Testing. 2021, 93: 106883.

10. Momo Huang, Weiwei Li*, Xiaojing Liu, Ming Feng, Jie Yang. The effects of cauliflower-like short carbon fibers on the mechanical properties of rigid polyurethane matrix composites. Polymer Testing. 2020, 89: 106718.

11. Weiwei Li*, Xiaojing Liu, Ming Feng, Jie Yang. Bamboo-like ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fibers and their epoxy composites. Composites Science and Technology. 2019, 182: 107716.

12. Renliang Ma, Weiwei Li*, Momo Huang, Ming Feng, Xiaojing Liu. The reinforcing effects of dendritic short carbon fibers for rigid polyurethane composites. Composites Science and Technology. 2019, 170: 128-134.

13. Li Meng, Weiwei Li*, Renliang Ma, Momo Huang, Jiawen Wang, Yixin Luo, Jiahao Wang, Kangwei Xia. Long UHMWPE fibers reinforced rigid polyurethane composites: An investigation in mechanical properties. European Polymer Journal. 2018, 105: 55-60.

14. Li Meng, Weiwei Li*, Renliang Ma, Momo Huang, Yingbo Cao, Jiawen Wang. Mechanical properties of rigid polyurethane composites reinforced with surface treated ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene fibers. Polymers for Advanced Technologies. 2018, 29: 843-851.

15. Weiwei Li*, Momo Huang, Renliang Ma. Improved mechanical properties of epoxy composites reinforced with surface-treated UHMWPE fibers. Polymers for Advanced Technologies. 2018, 29: 1287-1293.

16. Weiwei Li*, Renliang Ma, Momo Huang, Li Meng, Qiwei Pan. Surface treatment of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fibers using potassium permanganate and mechanical properties of its composites. Surface and Interface Analysis. 2018, 50: 65-72.  

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