【学术讲座】From Molecules to Macromolecules to Materials: Using controlled polymerization to control structure
2013-09-25 郝婷婷 点击:[]
报告人: Prof. Robert B. Grubbs
Robert B. Grubbs,康奈尔大学博士、宁波大学包玉刚讲座教授、纽约州立大学教授。1993年荣获美国国家自然科学基金会CAREER Award,其前身为美国总统青年科学家奖(Presidential Young Investigator's Award)。
Robert B. Grubbs教授的专长在于利用高分子化学、有机化学、材料化学之间的共通点参与设计、合成和表征聚合物基有机材料。通过向自然界生物的学习,以形似、神似、超越三类模仿方法进行多尺度分子的仿生设计、化学合成和成型加工,把新颖的聚合物和嵌段共聚物应用于各种领域。
Controlled and living polymerization techniques have proven indispensable for the synthesis of new block copolymers and copolymer-based materials. We have used nitroxide-mediated radical polymerization (NMP), atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP), reversible addition-fragmentation-chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization, and ring-opening polymerization (ROP) for the preparation of a range of copolymer architectures, including block copolymer/metal nanoparticle composites and aqueous stimulus-responsive block copolymer assemblies. Block copolymers with alkyne-functional blocks for the ultimate preparation of cobalt nanoparticles have been prepared with some success by direct NMP of alkyne-functional monomers. Amphiphilic block copolymers designed to assemble into stimulus-responsive micelles in water have been prepared by NMP, ATRP, RAFT, and ROP from poly(ethylene oxide) macroinitiators. We have also synthesized amphiphilic star-block copolymers through a combination of synthetic methods. The synthesis and characterization of these and other copolymer-based materials will be discussed.
上一条:【学术讲座】Effect of Chain Architecture on Surface Fluctuations of Polymer Melt Films